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If there's is a tornado and you are in your car then you should leave and search for the best available shelter. Usually that would be a ditch on the side of the road.

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Q: People should leave their cars and seek the best available shelter during a tornado?
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Is it safe to be in an automobile during a tornado?

Generally not. If a tornado is closing in on you a car is one of the most dangerous places to be. If you are in a car and a tornado is coming close get out of it and seek shelter in a sturdy building. If no such shelter is available take cover in a ditch or depression.

Is it safe to hide in a ditch during a tornado?

To some degree. You should only take cover in a ditch from a tornado as a last resort if no shelter is available.

Is it safe to get in a lower laying ditch during a tornado?

If you are caught in the open with no shelter available that is usually the best option.

What can people do to be safe during a tornado?

Seek shelter in appropriate places, like, Bathtub, Closet, etc. If your outside Drainpipe, Ravine, etc. The safest place to be during a tornado is in a basement or other underground shelter.

What clothes should people pack during a tornado?

If there is a tornado happening right at the moment, you probably will be running to saftey/shelter and not packing clothes.

During what events should you seek shelter in a basement or storm shelter?


Is it safe to get in a closet and crouch down during a tornado?

A closet can provide good shelter during a tornado.

Where is the Safest place during a tornado?

The safest place during a tornado is in a basement or similar underground shelter.

What is the safest thing to do if you are in a car during a tornado?

The best thing to do is abandon the car and seek shelter in a sturdy building. If no shelter is available take cover in a ditch or depression. Do NOT seek shelter under a bridge.

Where should you go for shelter during a tornado?

Generally the basement and the bathroom are the safest places to go during a tornado.

Who provides food wter and shelter during a tornado?


Do you close doors to closet shelter during tornado watch?

No. You do not need to take shelter during a tornado watch. You take shelter if a tornado warning is issued. If you are in a closet shelter you should close the door; it may not provide adequate protection otherwise.