

People who are non religious but are famous?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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i dont know what the answer is hahaaa

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Q: People who are non religious but are famous?
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It varies from person to person. Generally, however, non religious people are not for war.

Why do non religious people suffer?

They are always worried about dieng and not going to heaven, trust me i am non-religious. It's not only non religious people who suffer. But, maybe, if you believe they do, it's because there is no God that look after them, because they do not believe in any God. Also, I think that maybe non religious people THINK they suffer, because they, unlike religious people, do not have a God to trust in. If they did, maybe they would not find their sufferings as difficult and would not claim that 'only non religious people suffer'.

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A:If they have been divorced and there is no legal impediment to their remarrying, yes, non-religious people are free to remarry.

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No, Andy Six is not religious. He is an Atheist. And Atheists are non-religious people.

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A non-religious ceremony. A non-religious ceremony. A non-religious ceremony.

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What is the difference if you are religious you are good and if you are not religious you are bad?

A:The difference is prejudice or pride, depending on the context. Of course, religious and non-religious people are equally capable of being good and equally capable of being bad. But a minority of religious people do not see it like this, believing that religious people are inherently good and non-religious people are inherently bad. That view in itself is bad, or in religious terms, a sin - either the sin of prejudice or the sin of pride. These are sins a non-religious person is unlikely to commit, at least in this comparison.

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A non-religious ceremony. A non-religious ceremony. A non-religious ceremony.

Would celebrities be religious if they weren't famous?

I've noticed alot of famous people are religious, but they are famous so they might just be gratefull and hence believe in God. But alot of people look up to them while they don't have it as good. So do you think celebrities who are religious now, would otherwise not be religious?

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Non religious people view divorce as a legal end to an unsuccessful marriage just the same way that many religious people view it.Non religious people view divorce as a legal end to an unsuccessful marriage just the same way that many religious people view it.Non religious people view divorce as a legal end to an unsuccessful marriage just the same way that many religious people view it.Non religious people view divorce as a legal end to an unsuccessful marriage just the same way that many religious people view it.

Why are non religious people less likely to care about the environment?

A:It is hard to find a reason why non-religious people are less likely to care about the environment, particularly in the face of anecdotal evidence that care for the environment is more likely to be strong among non-religious people. While we can all hold biased positions on this, an objective view that non-religious people are less likely to care about the environment requires provable evidence, and there appears to be none.

Are non-religious people more neurotic than religious people?

Another opinion from our community:I do not think so, but have to admit that people who have a faith to hold on to seem to live more stable lives. They have a purpose for living, whereas others who have no religious guidelines in their lives tend to loose site of their purpose, and ask what is it all for.