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experience an increased risk of cancer

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Q: People who have been exposed to excessive radiation often experience mutations If these mutations only occur in somatic body cells these people may?
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Are we exposed to radiation from radioisotopes on a daily basis?

Yes we are! Though the amount is so small that it really has no major effect on us. This radiation does cause some genetic mutations if it encounters the DNA of the cell, but there are many other possible sources of mutations that make it hard to clearly blame a given mutation on radiation at the levels due to ordinary daily exposure.

Which of the following is not a possible consequence of being exposed to radiation cancer enhanced physical ability genetic mutations dianosing cancer?

Enhanced Physical Ability, that's not to hard, haha.

Why do people working around radioactive waste in a radioactive storage facility wear badges that contain strips of photographic film?

The film in the badges changes colour when radiation hits it. By looking at the badges, the people wearing them can tell how much radiation they have been exposed to. They have different strips of film for different types of radiation, so they are not only able to tell how much radiation someone has been exposed to, but also what type of radiation. Its basically a safety measure to ensure that workers are not exposed to excessive levels of radiation emitted from the waste.

How do mutations help us look different and what causes them?

Mutations help us look different because we can all have totally and entirely different mutations making each person significantly different from the rest. Mutations can be caused by two things. One reason is your environment. You could be exposed to radiation, ultraviolet light, and chemicals. Another reason is a copy error in your DNA.

What eye disorders are associated with excessive UV radiation?

In recent studies, there has been evidence of certain anomalies where the victim is exposed to cell mutations and in 98% of cases, hideous. I would recommend avoiding UV exposure so that you do not become the victim and die a slow hideous death because of the facial disfigurement. Thank You Doctor Ramirez, M.M.D.S

When do you encounter radiation energy?

Whenever your exposed to radiation...

How does nuclear radiation effect the ocean?

Nuclear radiation doesn't affect the ocean itself, but the animals that live there. Just like any living thing, if an ocean animal is exposed to high level of radiations it might develop mutations, and/or cancer, leading to a painful death.

What factors are most likely to cause a mutation in DNA?

depends on what are you exposed to. Naturally, UV radiation does make mutations in the cells of your skin. Across the body, oxygen radicals make very significant amount of mutations; oxygen radicals are one of the important factors causing aging. Apart from this, chemical mutagens from the environment are important mutagens too. All of these cause mutations.

A person exposed to radiation has no chance of survival. true or false?

False. The chances of survival for a person exposed to radiation depend on the type, dose, and duration of exposure. Treatment and medical interventions can help improve survival rates for individuals exposed to radiation.

Is a type of chemical when exposed to radiation emits visible light?

is a type of chemical when exposed to radiation emits visible light.

Is radiation pneumonitis able to be passed to others?

Radiation pneumonitis is in relation to being exposed to radiation, therefore the only way another person could get this inflammation of the lungs is by having their person exposed to radiation as well.

Why do people exposed to radiation regularly need to wear radiation badges?

Radiation badges contain dosimeters that measure the amount of radiation exposure an individual receives. By wearing radiation badges, people can monitor their radiation exposure levels and ensure they do not exceed safety limits set by regulatory bodies. This helps protect their health and ensure they are not exposed to dangerous levels of radiation over time.