

Percantage of people speaking English in Ireland?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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over 99% can speak English

about 97% speak it every day

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Q: Percantage of people speaking English in Ireland?
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How do most people live in Ireland?

Same as people in any other English speaking country.

Why is Irish not spoken everywhere in Ireland?

Irish is not spoken everywhere because in the 1800 many English moved over to conquer Ireland and so the language died out in most parts. Mary Queen of Scots had a lot to do with it too OR... it could be the fact that northern Ireland is an English speaking country and you can still find people in Dublin speaking Irish and road signs in southern Ireland are mostly in English but you can find lots in Irish too!

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English-speaking people are typically referred to as Anglophones.

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English speaking people. English speaking people.

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Some people in Lithuania speak English, but it is not an English-speaking country, in that English is not the primary language of the people.

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There are more English-speaking people in Canada than French-speaking people. English is the most widely spoken language in Canada, with approximately two-thirds of the population speaking English as their first language. French is spoken mainly in the province of Quebec, where it is the official language.

Where is Gaelic talked?

There are variations of Gaelic spoken in Ireland and Scotland. In both countries English in the dominant language and Gaelic is only the first language for a small percentage of people. In Ireland for example, it is mainly in areas of the west of Ireland, each known as a Gaeltacht, that it is spoken as the first language by people. People from other parts of Ireland visit them to learn it by speaking it.

Is the British language known as English?

Yes, the British language is know as English. In UK(United Kingdom), Scotland, Norway, England, Great Britain and Ireland, people were speaking English in those countries in Europe. Their English is a British action but they speak English like people in the United States.

Who is the speaker of Gaelic?

Mostly people in Gaeltacht areas speak Irish, particularly in the West, Southwest and Northwest of Ireland, such as Connemara in Co. Galway, Dingle in Co. Kerry and Gweedore in Donegal. However there are many Irish-speaking schools in mostly English-speaking areas of Ireland (like Dublin), where Irish is spoken in school and English is spoken at home.

Why did the Irish reject English rule?

It was opressive and killed people for speaking Irish, playing Irish sports, crushed the culture.

Are Arabic speaking people all Arabs?

Not necessarily , there are Arabic speaking people who are not Arabs. All Arabs speak Arabic , but not all Arabic speaking people are Arabs. The same way there are tons of English speaking people who are neither American nor English.

Are more people speaking English every year?

Yes! Because children are born from English speaking parents.