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Q: Pictures of someone getting there tongue picering needle?
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Does a needle hurt?

The needle does not really hurt, but the fluid getting pushed into you can hurt a little. In either case it is probably no worse than being pinched hard by someone.

Can you get hep c from using a needle with your own old blood in it? long as it is only your own blood on the needle (it was a sterile needle before you used it) and you were the one getting stuck. You can only get hep C if someone else who has hep c used the needle before you did.

Can a lidocane spray on vain just before getting a needle to ease the pain of the needle going in?

Lidocaine can be sprayed on the area before getting a shot to ease the pain of the needle going in. Ice also works well.

When tattoing the needle gets stuck on the skin does the used of disposable grips with needle have anything to do with that?

No. The needle is getting stuck because you have it hanging too far out. If your needle pushes too deep into the skin it snags.

Can a Nerf Dart Needle kill someone?

actually it can like piercing the heart with an ordinary needle nerf dart or put poison on the needle nerf dart

Simile for getting a tooth pulled?

getting your tooth pulled is like being injected with a needle.

Can you Spray Lidocaine on your vain just before getting a needle to ease the pain?

Lidocaine is not FDA approved to be sprayed on a vein before getting a needle injected into the skin to ease pain.

Where is the needle in the haystack?

Usually, there is a haystack, and someone throws a needle in the haystack. The game is to try to be the first to find the needle. The needle may be anywhere in the stack and may be right on the surface of the stack, or in the very middle of the stack.

If you share a needle to get a tattoo with a person that doesnt have HIV can you still get it?

No. The only way you can get HIV is if you used a needle by someone who has the virus.

Does heroin cause HIV?

It can, if you shoot it up, and use someone else's dirty needle. You can only get HIV from blood, so as long as blood touches, then you insert it into yourself, you have the possibility of getting it.

Can you use the needle twice after piercing your lip?

Yes if you still need the needle to pierce yourself it is cool but not someone else because it is you needle now that it went through your lip.

Can you have a lung needle biopsy with emphysemea?

No. A lung needle biopsy is used to pull a sample of tissue from the lungs for testing. A lung needle biopsy should NOT be done with someone who has Emphysema.