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Q: Picturing a tree that has been cut down is a good way to remember the meaning of the word?
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How could you remember vertical and horizontal?

I always remember that we pray vertically, meaning vertical is up and down. Works for me.

What is the meaning of have students write the sentence in their notebooks?

It shows that they can comprehend what has been said, and also tests their ability to spell words. Students are also more likely to remember things they have written down.

What is the meaning of the song go down moses?

The meaning of the song "Go Down Moses" means that Moses should go down and issues the commands that he has been given. The people who obeyed these instructions were saved.

What is the meaning of knock you down with a feather?

it means that you have been so shocked that if someone tapped you with a feather you would fall down

What is the origin of the idiom to wolf down?

It is not an idiom. It is an expression. The difference is that an idiom's meaning cannot be derived from the meaning of its individual words. In the expression wolfing down food, the meaning is clearly derived from the meaning of the words, and people have been saying it for hundreds of years.

What does it mean to misplace something?

When somebody puts something down somewhere and doesn't remember where they have put it then the object has been misplaced

Can you give a sentence with the word picturing in it?

well heres one. i was walking down a golden silk path that lead me to a rainbow color world of candy. lollipops, chocolate, and more.

What is the meaning of blew down?

The meaning of blew down is being knocked down by the wind or something windy.

What is the hidden meaning of down out?

Down and out

When a broom falls does it accelerate or decelerate?

The falling motion of the broom is the acceleration of the broom The broom hitting the floor and slowing down is the deceleration of the broom. Remember, acceleration is the speeding up and deceleration is the slowing down (De is the Latin root meaning down, so down in speed/ decreasing in speed...)

Actually i want to know the meaning of up and down what is the meaning of it in a sentence?

1: moving backward and forward along a given course; The prisoner walked up and down the corridor. 2: alternately upward and downward; She eyed him up and down. Ive been going up and down these stairs all day.

Bump on the back middle of your head that's maybe an inch in diameter you are 14 years old what is this?

If it has been there since you can remember, then it is your scull. Calm down.