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You get super horny :)

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Q: Pinching the ear lobe and shaking it gently while raising the eyebrows?
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In Portugal pinching the ear lobe and shaking it gently while raising the eyebrows means?

tu pinche mama

In Portugal pinching the ear lobe and shaking it gently while raising the eyebrows means what?

When someone in Portugal pinches their ear lobe and shakes it gently while raising their eyebrows, it means that something is really good

How can you tell if a casualty is unconscious?

You can check for unconsciousness by gently shaking the casualty and calling their name. If they do not respond, try tapping their shoulder or pinching their skin. Look for any signs of movement, breathing, or response to stimuli.

How do you ensure your penis and pant are free from urine after peeing?

By shaking the excess gently from it after peeing and washing with a little water or in the absence of water, dry with tissue.

What is the meaning when the guy always touching your hair or head gently or sometimes pinch your arm?

This means the guy you are talking about cares for you, he is careful with you .. touching you gently, he feels the need to touch you, he is passionate also he is pinching your arm to remind you of himslef, that he is still there .. he wants your attention. he likes you .. go get him :)

How do touch your sleeping grandma?

To wake up your sleeping grandma gently, you can try calling her name softly or gently shaking her shoulder. It's important to be cautious and not startle her awake. It is also recommended to ensure she is comfortable and not in any pain or distress before waking her.

How do you pick up a crawdad without pinching yourself?

To pick up a crawdad without getting pinched, approach it from behind and grasp it firmly but gently around the body between the claws. Avoid grabbing the claws or the tail to prevent being pinched. Holding them securely and steadily will usually prevent them from pinching you.

How could you remove small stones from uncooked rice?

Try shaking it gently to and fro in a shallow bowl. The stones will be heavier than the rice and should rise to the top so you can pick them out

How do you get rid of cloudy water from snow globes?

Cloudy water in snow globes can be caused by impurities or air bubbles. To clear the water, try gently shaking the snow globe to release any trapped air bubbles. If the water remains cloudy, you can try adding a drop of dish soap and shaking gently to help break up any impurities. If the problem persists, it may be best to empty the globe, clean it thoroughly, and refill with fresh distilled water.

How do you use the herb mint in floral arrangements?

Gently squeezing or pinching the leaves will release the oils / aroma in most "mints". The period of time the "mint" will still give you your desired affect depends on a number of things: Humidity, airflow around, the area, and of course, humidity.

What shaking vigorously a blood filled tube will cause?

Shaking a blood-filled tube vigorously can cause hemolysis, which is the rupture of red blood cells leading to the release of hemoglobin into the surrounding fluid. This can affect blood test results by altering the concentrations of certain analytes. It is recommended to gently invert blood tubes to mix contents without causing hemolysis.

A bag of flour has been tip into a box of cornflakes what is the easiest way to get the flour out?

You might try pouring the mess into a colander or sieve and gently shaking it. The flour should run through the mesh while the cornflakes stay behind.