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Mars has a similar day length to Earth, a little longer at 24h 39m 35s (apparent solar day).

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Q: Planet with the period of revolution closest to Earth's?
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What planet has a period of revolution closest to that of earths?


Planent with the period of revolution closest to the earths?

Mars - 24.6 hrs

Which planet has the shortest period of revolution as measured relative to earths time?

The planet that has the shortest period of revolution is Mercury, which is 88 days. The planet with the longest revolution is Neptune, which is 165 years. Earth's revolution is the third shortest.

What is planet mercury's revolution?

Mercury is the first planet closest to the sun which makes it the hottest. its period of revolution is 88 days

Which planet with the period of revolution is closest to Earth's?

Venus with a revolution time of 224.7 Earth days

What planet would take 164 of earths days to go around the sun?

There is no planet with a revolution period of 164 Earth days. Neptune, however, has a revolution period of 164.8 Earth years.

What is mercury revolution period?

Mercury's revolution period, which is the time it takes for the planet to orbit around the sun, is approximately 88 Earth days. This relatively short revolution period is due to Mercury's close proximity to the sun, causing it to travel at a faster speed compared to outer planets.

The planet with the period of revolution closest to Earth's is?

Hi Venus is the only planet that has the revolution period closest to that of the Earth. Venus with a revolution time of 224.7 Earth days. Venus is the brightest of all the planets in the solar system and is known as the Earth's twin sister due to the similarity between the two planets in terms of Size, mass etc.

Is the period of revolution dependent on the size of the planet?

No. The period of revolution depends on the size of the orbit of the planet.

How does planet distance from the sun affect the period of revolution?

How does a planet's distance from the sun affect its period of revolution?

Which planet has twice the earth period of revolution?

Mars has roughly twice the Earth's period of revolution.

What is period of rotation and revolution of Venus?

Venus' period of rotation is 243 Earth days. Its period of revolution is 224. 7 Earth days. The revolution period is the length of a year in Earth days on Venus. This planet is a terrestrial planet.