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loss in bone density, loss in muscle tissue, increase in fat tissue, loss of speed, loss in penis size

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2w ago
  1. Decrease in muscle mass and strength.
  2. Slower metabolism leading to weight gain.
  3. Reduction in bone density, increasing risk of osteoporosis.
  4. Decrease in cardiovascular fitness and lung function.
  5. Decline in flexibility and joint mobility.
  6. Changes in hormone levels affecting energy levels and recovery times.
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Q: Please help with this GCSE pe question list 6 effects of the aging process which takes place from your mid-twenties onwards?
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What is the aging?

Aging is the most common form of degenerative disease. It infects everyone and is 100% fatal. Although long looked at as a natural process, there has been significant progress in combating it's effects. It is thought to be caused by a decrease in the length of telomeres in the process of cell replication.

What does senescent mean?

Senescent means relating to or undergoing the process of aging or becoming obsolete. It is often used in biology to describe cells that have stopped dividing and are in a state of irreversible growth arrest.

What are the effects of aging on the body at age 35 and 65?

At age 35, some effects of aging may include decreased muscle mass, decreased metabolism, and possibly early signs of wrinkles or fine lines. At age 65, effects of aging may manifest as more noticeable wrinkles, decreased bone density, reduced cognitive function, and increased risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and arthritis. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and adequate sleep can help mitigate these effects.

Side affects of cloning?

Some potential side effects of cloning include genetic abnormalities, shortened lifespan, and health issues related to the cloning process itself, such as developmental problems and premature aging. Additionally, there may be ethical and emotional implications for both the cloned individual and society at large.

Does alcohal age you?

Yes, alcohol can contribute to premature aging of the skin due to its dehydrating effects, increased inflammation, and reduction in collagen production. Excessive and prolonged alcohol consumption can also impact overall health and accelerate the aging process.

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It would be easy to answer your question if it was complete. What is this process called ? seems to be an incomplete question. Which process you are talking about? There are many processes in this world of Biology.

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