

Poison and non poisonous animal names?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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as you may already know there are many poisonous animals including frogs in the amazon and snakes but you may not have known that the antlers on a moose actually contain a deadly poison that can kill a man in under a hour

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Q: Poison and non poisonous animal names?
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Firstly there are no poisonous snakes. There are only venomous and non venomous snakes. You can drink poison and die, but you can drink snake venom and nothing will happen. there is a huge difference between venom and poison. To refer back to the question. NO, you get venomous and non venomous snakes.

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No because some snakes are not poisnous at all

What is the difference between poisonous and non-poisonous snakes?

Poisonous are dangerous ad non-poisonous are not dangerous ---- /\lol Basically. Poisonous snakes can make you sick or even kill you, while non-poisonous snakes can't. Non-poisonous snakes are also usually non-aggressive.

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All snakes are non-poisonous but some are venomous.