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Were Poland and Germany allies with the United States during the Revolutionary War?

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Q: Poland and Germany were allies of Britain during American revolution?
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What event made Britain and France to form an alliance with Poland?

When Germany invaded Poland, Britain and France had an agreement with Poland to come to Poland's aid should the country ever be invaded. As Germany refused to withdraw from Poland, Britain and France declared war against Germany.

Why did france and Britain fight in the war-?

France and Britain (as well as the Commonwealth countries such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc. ) declared war on Germany on September 3,1939 after Germany invaded Poland. France and Britain had an alliance with Poland.

What date did Germany bomb Poland?

On September 1939 Poland was invaded by Germany using planes, people and other various equipment. Britain then threatened Germany and announced that if Germany did not withdraw there troops from Poland, Britain would be at war with Germany. Adolf Hitler, Germany's leader refused and coincidentally Britain set war on Germany.

The invasion of what country caused Britain and France to declare war on Germany?

The 1939 invasion of Poland caused Britain to declare war on Germany, which started WWII.

What events started the world war 2?

Germany invading Poland and the us joined the fight when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.

Why did the declare war on Germany?

I presume you are talking about WW2. Britain & France had a treaty with Poland to ensure Poland's safety and when Germany invaded Poland in 1939 this treaty was violated and therefore Britain & France had no option but to go to Poland's aid

When did Germany invade Poland and Britain declares war on Germany?

september 1939

Why did Germany and Britain declare war?

Germany attacked a Poland A British ally.

Why did Britain go to war over Poland in 1939?

Britain and France both had a defence agreement with Poland. When Germany attacked Poland on 1st September 1939, Britain and France both declared war on Germany two days later but their actions did absolutely nothing to help Poland.

For what official reason did grat Britain declare war on Germany?

Britain and France had offered a guarantee to Poland that if she was attacked by Germany they would come to her aid. When Germany subsequently invaded Poland, Britain and France gave Germany an ultimatum, demanding the withdrawal of German troops from Poland. Failure to do so would result in a state of war.

Did Britain go to war with Germany because Germany was going to attak Poland?

Yes, because Germany DID attack Poland on 1 September 1939.

When did France get invaded by the Axis Powers?

In WW2 the French and Britain said they would declare war on Germany if they attacked Poland. When Nazi Germany invaded Poland France and Britain declared war on Germany. Then Germany stormed French.