

Political act by King Henry the 8th?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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The creation of the Church of England and himself becoming the head of the church

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Q: Political act by King Henry the 8th?
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"Henry v eight" is meaningless nonsense. Kings Henry V and Henry VIII both inherited the crown when their respective fathers died. There was no "act passed" in either case.

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This Act made Henry VIII Supreme Governor of the Church of England.heya!king Henry viii introduced this act in 1534. o & there was a death penalty for anyone refusing to take an oath of loyalty to the king that he was the "supreme head of the church in England" and he actually gave himself that title. u no, it's funny coz these questions about Henry viii keep appearing everywhere, and I'm doing it all at school now!hope this helps!luv ella.lovella xx

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The pope and Henry had a slap fight, then Henry passed the act of supremacy which granted the king power over the pope, allowing him to marry anne Boleyn

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Fluellen compares him to Alexander the Great.

Which one of Henry the 8th's wifes were unfaithful to him?

Very likely, only Catherine Howard. Anne Boleyn was accused of adultery but likely not guilty of the act, with anyone.