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Q: Poor r wave progression v2 v4?
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Diagnosis for poor r wave progression v1-v4?

Poor R wave progression is a vague term used to describe a variation in the pattern formed by the QRS complexes in the chest or precordisl leads. The QRS complex represents the upward and downward deflections denoting the electrical discharge with each heartbeat. Normally the R wave is taller than the S wave by the 4th lead (V4). If the transition does not occur until the 5th or 6th precordisl lead then this is commonly referred to as poor R wave progression. It is used as a distinction from clearly normal patterns and clearly abnormal patterns. It may be found in normal hearts and can frequently be caused by improper placement of the electrodes during the recording of the ECG tracing.

How do you connect your v4 to a v2 on my tamagotchi?

i dont fink u can

Gender of duke?

write v2 v3 and v4 of wear

How many tamagotchis are there?

7 OF THEM v1 v2 v3 v4 v4.5 v5 v6

What are the kinds of pause?

a+b =pause for v3, v2, v4, v5. love jansu

Can tamagotchi 5.0 communicate with 4.5?

NO hi cant communicate with v1,v2,v3,v4,v4.5

How do you connect tamagotchi v4 to v2?

go to the 5th item or the heart then go to others then u will connect

Does a tamagotchi V2 connect with a V4 or a Jinsei?

go to the heart icon on both tamas, then press other when it comes up

Write short notes on cyclic codes?

v1 to v2 to v3 to v4 to v5 again its v5 to v1 the cycle continues

Can Tamagotchi Music Star v6 and Tamagotchi v3 connect?

You Can't The Music Star Is Newer The The V3. You Can Connect V3 With V4 And V2.