

Pope Benedict XVI is which numbered pope?

Updated: 11/10/2020
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11y ago

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Pope Benedict XVI was the 265th pope.

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Q: Pope Benedict XVI is which numbered pope?
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What number pope is Benedict XVI?

Pope Benedict XVI was the 265th pope.

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What number pope is Pope Benedict XVI?

Pope Benedict XVI was the 265th pope.

What number pope was Pope Benedict XVI?

Pope Benedict XVI is the 265th pope.

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Pope Benedict XVI was the 265th pope.

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Pope Benedict XVI was pope number 265.

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The current pope is Pope Francis. His papacy began on 13th March 2013. His predecessor, Benedict XVI's papacy ended on 28th February 2013.

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Pope Benedict XVI is German.

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Pope Benedict XVI was in power in 2009.

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Pope Benedict XVI was the 265th pope.

Where is a picture of Pope Benedict XVI?

There is an image of Pope Benedict XVI above.

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Pope John Paul II was the immediate predecessor of Benedict XVI.