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Q: Porcion gelatinosa comprendida entre la membrana nuclear y el nucleo que contiene todas las proteinas y enzimas necesarias para que el nucleo efectuue sus funciones?
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What are the benefits of corn?

Corn is low in fat and calories and is a good source of fiber, with three grams per ear, and a high ratio of insoluble to soluble fiber. Corn is a good source of fiber, with a high ratio of insoluble-to-soluble fiber. Yellow corn is high in Vitamin A; white corn has much less. Both offer moderate amounts of folate and vitamin C, with magnesium and potassium in abundant quantity. All varieties of corn have their own antioxidant profiles. Yellow corn contains the antioxidant carotenoids, with especially high concentrations of lutein and zeaxanthin. Blue corn has anthocyanins. Purple corn contains a hydroxybenzoic acid, protocatechuic acid. Corn provides three grams of protein per ear. Corn is lower in lysine and tryptophan, two essential amino acids, than beans, but higher in methionine. Eating corn along with beans and squash, as the Native Americans did, provides a perfect balance of essential amino acids. Sus beneficios son ke tiene muchas proteinas y calcio en tus granos de elote. You may have a good amount of carbohydrates because corn has starch and starch has carbohydrates. Carbohydrates result in giving you energy.

Why is a protein denatured?

depending upon the normal environment of the given protein, the secondary, tertiary, and the quaternary structure of the protein depend upon interactions between the amino acids of the protein itself within the structure of the protein, and interactions with the environment surrounding the proteinas an example:a protein that normally exists in an aqueous (mostly water) environment will have a structure in which the non-polar amino acids in large part will be confined to the interior of the structure where they will not interact with the aqueous exterior environment, as well as polar or charged amino acids on the exterior interacting with water, cytosolic fluid, or other polar substances.this occurs because non-polar amino acids do not interact favorably with polar solvents-just as non-polar cooking oil separates from highly polar water- and are at the lowest possible energy state when they are not interacting with polar substances. this normal interaction of proteins makes their usual conformation the most thermodynamically stable which is why they exist in solution in said conformation.Short answer: see belowif the environment is changed from polar to non-polar then the intermolecular interactions between the solvent and the amino acids of the protein will change, which would cause change of conformation of the protein structure, and thus possibly cause denaturation because as we all know from BIO 101: structure determines function.

Advantages and disadvantages of Viral vectors?

disadvantages- a gene can be delivered to a cell using a carrier known as a vector. the most common types of vectors used in gene therapy are viruses. the viruses are altered to make them safe, although some risks still exist with gene therapy. Viruses can usually infect more than one type of cell. So, when viral vectors are used to carry genes into the body, they might infect healthy cells as well as cancer cells. Another danger is that if the new gene is inserted in the wrong location in the DNA, it could cause harmful mutations to the DNA or even cancer. This has occurred in clinical trials for X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (X-SCID) patients, in which hematopoietic stem cells were converted with a correct transgene using a retrovirus (a type of virus that contains RNA as its genetic material) and this led to the development of T cell leukaemia in 4 of 20 patients. In addition, when viruses are used to deliver DNA to cells inside the patient's body, there is a slight chance that this DNA could unintentionally be introduced into the patient's reproductive cells. If this happens, it could produce changes that may be passed on if a patient has children after treatment. Other concerns include the possibility that transferred genes could be overexpressed,producing so much of the missing proteinas to be harmful; that the viral vectorcould cause an immune reaction; and that the virus could be transmitted from the patient to other individuals or into the environment. However, this basic mode of gene introduction currently shows much promise and doctors and scientists are working hard to fix any potential problems that could exist. They use animal testing and other precautions to identify and avoid these risks before any clinical trials are conducted in humans.