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Pedro Alvares Cabral follwing order from King Dom John VI
Pedro Álvares Cabral

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Q: Portuguese explorer who claimed brazil in 1500?
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What portuguese explorer discover Brazil?

The Portuguese explorer Pedro Álvares Cabral was the first European to voyage to Brazil in 1500.

What south American country was discovered in 1500 by Portuguese explorer?


What portuguese explorer went to Brazil?

Nuno Alvares Cabral in 1500

Who claimed Brazil for Portugal?

While Brazil was inhabited by various native tribes at the time, when Portuguese explorer Pedro Alvarez Cabral landed there in 1500, he claimed the territory for Portugal. Portuguese is the official language of Brazil.

Who is Dom Pedro Cabral?

Pedro Alvares Cabral was a Portuguese explorer who discovered the country of Brazil in 1500.

When did Portugal claim Brazil?

Cabral claimed Portugal for Brazil on April 22, 1500.

Who purchased Brazil?

Brazil was discovered by a Portuguese man called Pedro Alvares Cabral. In Addition: No one "purchased" Brazil. Brazil was claimed by Portugal in 1500. Brazil proclaimed independence from Portugal on Sept. 7, 1822.

Who discovered Brazil and when?

Brazil was officially discovered by Pedro Álvares Cabral, a Portuguese explorer, in 1500. However, it is important to acknowledge that indigenous peoples had been living in Brazil long before this discovery.

What Portuguese explorer became the first European to reach the area now occupied by Brazil in 1500 AD?

Admiral Pedro Alvares Cabral

When did the Portuguese first colonize Brazil?

Pedro Álvares Cabral, a Portuguese explorer, landed in Brazil on April 22, 1500. He is generally considered to have been the first European to see Brazil, although that is not certain. Most of the European immigrants after that were from Portugal, beginning in about 1530. The first permanent Portuguese settlement was founded at Sao Vicente, in the state of Sao Paulo, in 1532.

How old is Brazil?

Brazil is 510 years old. Brazil was claimed by Portugal in April 1500, on the arrival of the Portuguese fleet commanded by Pedro Álvares Cabral.If you are referring to Brazil as a sovereign state, then it is 193 years old now as Brazil was founded on September 7, 1822.

Which country's primary culture is Portuguese?

Of course there is Portugal itself, and Brazil. Brazil was a Colony of Portugal starting in 1500. That is why it has a Portuguese culture.