

Positive feedback loop definition

Updated: 8/10/2023
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Lvl 1
9y ago

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When one thing is increasing, another thing will also increase.

There are examples of positive feedback in many areas. A teacher praises a student for working well. This praise makes the student work harder. Positive feedback!

For example in our body if the concentration of glucose level increases then to maintain its concentration the production of insulin also increases as insulin can store it in the form of glycogen in liver and muscles.

In climate change, a warmer atmosphere can hold more moisture. More moisture makes the atmosphere warmer. The warmer atmosphere can hold more water... Etc. This loop is called positive feedback.

Another example is the albedo effect. This means that white icy areas, like sea ice, reflects the sun's heat. As that ice melts, the darker ocean below gets warmer. Because the ice is no longer there, global temperature rises.

Another example is global warming releasing Arctic methane. Scientists have found plumes of methane gas bubbling up from the ocean floor, as Methane hydrate (frozen water and methane combined) melts and releases the methane. The methane increases the warming, which means that more methane is released.

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12y ago
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12y ago

The enhancement or amplification of an effect by its own influence on the process that gives rise to it.

What this means is the result of an action then causes more of that action. Such as when you put a microphone next to a speaker, sounds made by the speaker are picked up by the microphone, amplified then broadcast again getting louder each time.

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8y ago

counteracting global warming by capturing carbon dioxide and pumping it into deep ocean

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13y ago

Positive feedback as applied to closed loop control systems is when the closed loop gain is positive.

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9y ago

There are a few good feed backs on loop. Loop is a computer program.

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Benjamin Ayulo

Lvl 4
3y ago

An endless cycle of creation and response - APEX

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