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Q: Positive social effect in earthquake to us?
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What will effect us when the volcano is happening?

An Earthquake.

Is there a positive or negative effect on the bill of rights in the US?

Positive because it gave us our basic and natural rights.

Is there a positive effect on the rights of the accused in the US?

please help me

What are the positive and negative effects of eclipses?

they dont effect us at all

What was the magnitude of the largest earthquake in the US and where did it occur and how many were there?

I know the largest and strongest earthquake in the US as in Anchorage Alaska, not positive, I think it was just one. It was early 1900's or late 1800's and destroyed the city.

How can an earthquake effect the Earth?

an earthquake can affect the earth by making the earth less stronger and making it easier to let more lava come out the earth and destroying us all.

How does a seismograph prevent the effect of a an earthquake?

A seismograph itself cannot prevent the effect of an earthquake. It is an instrument that measures and records seismic waves generated by an earthquake. The data collected by seismographs helps scientists study and understand earthquakes, which in turn can contribute to improved building codes and earthquake-resistant infrastructure. Preventing the effect of an earthquake requires engineering solutions such as designing structures to withstand seismic forces or implementing early warning systems.

What is positive effect from farmers?

they give us rice to eat. They strive hard for our rice!

What does Hindu mantra word klim or kleem mean?

It may not mean anything, but that sound has certain positive effect. Sound does have effect on us.

What is social well-being?

It is the sharing, developing, and sustaining of meaningful relationships with others. Energy grows in these relationships and can have a negative or positive effect on us. Exploring your Energy Cords are also a good way assess your social well-being. Energy Cords are created between us when we create positive or negative connections. Every relationship we have vibrates at a certain frequency. Some relationships can improve our social well-being while others can be detrimental. If you have more questions, learning about energy cords is a good place to improve your social well-being. An energy healing session can usually help you cut unnecessary cords and give advice on how to improve the positive ones.

What is the effect of positive thinking in human life?

It helps us to don't quit of our objectives. If we believe we can do it, we'll do it.

What was the most destruvctive earthquake in US history?

The most destructive earthquake in US history was the Prince William Sound earthquake. This earthquake did extensive damage across the Gulf of Alaska.