

Pot in hair

Updated: 9/13/2023
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12y ago

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It is when you're outside in the spring planting plants and a large wind blows your hat off.

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Who has the most pot noodlest hair ever?

a pot of pot noodles

If you have not smoked pot for 6 weeks can you pass a hair folical test?

No. What's in the hair, stays in the hair.

Do detox drinks work for pot?

No. Save your money. Pot stays in the fat and hair cells. The one thing that works is not using pot.

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Grow up and accept you smoked pot. Fail the hair test

Why does your pot belly pig eat your dogs hair?

because they are hungry!

Is pot still in your hair follicles from 11 months ago?

Yes weed stays in your hair until you die

How long after quiting smoking pot will clean hair come out of your scalp?


How long does pot stay in your hair?

It can stay in your DNA for up to seven years.

How long does pot last in hair?

Once hair is produced, it does not change.

Is it okay to smoke pot if your a Christian?

Ok look at Jesus,long hair, wore sandals,preached love and understanding total POT HEAD.

How long after you smoke pot will you pass a hair drug test?

around 30 days

I had a hair sample test done. I smoked pot like 5 months ago.. I smoked pot like once every two months before that.. Would the test be negative?

Hair is like a timeline, so, if the hair you had 5 months ago is still on your head, most likely yes, but most tests only use the root of the hair.