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Q: Potent CNS drugs must be soluble in what?
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Is Ambien a cns depressant?

Yes, it is. A rather potent one, at that.

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CNS (central nervous system) stimulant schedule II federal classification

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What is in a pharmacology course?

Complete understanding of drugs Pharmacokinetics Pharmacodynamics Action of drugs on different system i.e; GIT, CNS, CVS, ANS, Etc

How are medicines and drugs the same?

They all alter the functioning of the CNS (central nervous system).

What does inhibit neuronal uptake of serotonin norepinephrine and dopamine in cns do for addictions?

Stops your drugs working and you go crazy.

What are some other CNS stimulant drugs besides caffeine?

Cocaine, Meth, Jenkem, ADD/ADHD pills, and Ecstacy

Does the CNS respiration center analyze oxygen levels of blood?

Oxygen is very sparingly soluble. Carbon dioxide is highly soluble in water or plasma. The respiratory center is stimulated by high level of the carbon dioxide. The respiratory center probably does not analyse the oxygen level.

Is it safe to take Vicodin with a sleeping pill?

NARCOTIC PAIN MEDICINE & SLEEPING PILLSVICODIN IS A NARCOTIC PAIN reliever, not one of the strongest, but it is a CNS (central nervous system) depressant. As for the sleeping pill, it makes a difference if it is a barbiturate (Halcion, Chloral hydrate, which are also CNS depressants) OR a hypnotic (Ambien, Rozeram), which are not CNS depressants. You need to be VERY careful if you combine two drugs that are both CNS depressants. You should ask your doctor OR call ANY pharmacy and ask to speak to a pharmacist. Give them the names of the medications and dosages, and they will tell you if there is a problem, (called a DRUG/DRUG INTERACTION). Many times, pharmacists have more up to date, accurate information about drugs that CAN be taken together and drugs that can NOT be taken together.

What is the toxicity of anti-influenza drugs?

The anti-influenza drugs are generally well tolerated. Amantadine, which is also used for treatment of Parkinsonism, may show more frequent CNS effects, including sedation and dizziness.