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The power of the President is not only to consult the Supreme Court but also to appoint members of the court.

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Q: Power of president to consult Supreme Court?
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How does the president check the power of the supreme court?

The President checks the power of the Supreme Court by appointing Supreme Court justices and the Chief Justice (subject to Senate confirmation).

Are the supreme court decions only overturned by the president?

The president does not have any power over the decisions of the Supreme Court. Only the Supreme Court itself can overturn a supreme court decision.

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The power to appoint Supreme Court justices belongs exclusively to the President of the United States.

How does the supreme court checks the powers of the president?

The President checks the power of the Supreme Court by appointing Supreme Court justices and the Chief Justice (subject to Senate confirmation).

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the supreme court has the power to interpret the laws no matter what

Who has the power the appoint supreme court justices?

the president

Who has the power to nominate members to the supreme court?

the president

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The President appoints new supreme court justices.

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How can the president check the power of the Supreme Court and the congress?

Congress has the ability to overrule the President's veto power with a 2/3 majority vote. Furthermore, Congress has the power to impeach the President, and must confirm the President's choices (i.e. appointment of the Supreme Court, etc.). Congress checks the Supreme Court in a few ways as well. First of all, it has to confirm the President's appointments of Supreme Court judges. It also has the power, once again, of impeachment, and has the ability to amend the Constitution.

Can Indian president change a supreme court verdict?

Yes president has the power to do so.