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What is the prayer after the baptism ceremony?

There are numerous prayers which accompany the Rite of Baptism, including an opening prayer, an optional prayer of exorcism, a prayer over the ears and mouth, etc.

What is the history of prayer to Saint Joseph?

Prayer to Saint Joseph dates back to the early Christian Church. It became more prominent in the 16th century when Saint Teresa of Avila promoted devotion to him. With the establishment of the Feast of Saint Joseph in the 18th century, prayer to him became even more widespread among Catholics seeking his intercession.

Where did the Lord's Prayer originate?

The lord's prayer (aka: Our Father prayer) was actually a 'model prayer' provided by Jesus when he was teaching his disciples how to pray. (Matthew 6:9-13.) The model prayer was not to be memorized and repeated over and over again(Matthew 6:7+8), but furnishes a pattern for our own prayers.

How does the prayer shawl works?

The prayer shawl, or Tallith, is draped over the shoulders. It symbolizes God's encompassing nearness.

Can the people pray the sunnat prayer if the time passes?

Yes, as long as it doesn't over lap the next prayer. So basically before it's time for the next prayer.

What is the three o'clock prayer?

The day has four prayer watches, one of which is the 3 o'clock prayer. The Christians should remember to take the fourth watch to pray the will of Yahweh in over the night. The Muslim would seek to conquer the world for "Allah" using these prayer watches.

What happens during the preparation of the gifts in the Liturgy of the Eucharist?

Preparation ofte gifts, prayer over the gifts, Eucharistic prayer, communion rite, lords prayer, rite of peace, breaking of the bread, and holy communion

What are the best times on Friday for DUA to be accepted?

Some have said that this hour is from the time the Imam (prayer's leader) enters the mosque on Friday's prayer until the prayer is over. However, others have said that it is the last hour of the day.

What prayer is used when praying for forgiveness?

I think getting closer to God addressing him through the OUR FATHER is a complete prayer passed over to us by His Son, Jesus. So this prayer is perfect, and needs no other paraphernalia or substitute.

Does a Rabbi need to say a prayer over pickles to make them Kosher?


Put the parts of the Mass in order prayer over the gifts consecration Our father entrance epistle communion rite Eucharistic prayer gospel great amen holy holy holy?

Entrance Rite Epistle Gospel Prayer over the Gifts Holy Holy Holy Eucharistic Prayer Consecration Great Amen Our Father Communion Rite

What is the name of a prayer in the Christian Liturgy?

Catholic AnswerThere are three variable prayers in the Mass, known as "propers" as they change depending on the Mass. The first prayer or proper, or opening prayer in the Mass used to be called the Collect. The prayer over the Gifts used to be called the Secret as it was said in a low voice that did not reach below the altar steps. The Closing Prayer was The Post-Communion.