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Precapillary sphincters are small, ring-like muscles that can close or open parts of a capillary bed, depending on the oxygen and nutrient demands for the tissue

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Q: Precapillary sphincter is used for what purpose?
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Blood flow through capillaries is regulated by?

Precapillary sphincters

Is A precapillary sphincter a cuff of smooth muscle that regulates the flow of blood into the capillaries?


Are composed of smooth muscles that encircle the entrances ti capillaries and thus can control the distribution of blood within tissues?

Precapillary sphincter

Does blood flow through the shunts and bypass the tissue cells when precapillary sphincters are closed?

yes when sphincter's are closed the blood flows through shunts and by pass the tissues

What is the function of precapillary sphincters?

The precapillary sphincter reduces or stops the flow of blood into the capillary when its smooth muscles contract. Its relaxation dilates the opening and allows blood to enter the capillary at a faster rate. The precapillary sphincters open when carbon dioxide levels rise as the tissues need more oxygen. They close when carbon dioxide levels decrease or when the body is under sympathetic stimulation.

How does the muscle of the internal anal sphincter differ from that of the external anal sphincter?

The internal urethral sphincter an involuntary sphincter that keeps the urethra closed when urine is not being used. The external urethral sphincter is fashioned by skeletal muscles as the urethra passes thorugh the pelvic floor.This sphincter is voluntary controlled.

What is the metarteriole?

A Metarteriole (or arterial capillary or precapillary sphincter) is a short vessel(s) that link arterioles and capillaries. Instead of a continuous tunica media, they have individual muscle cells placed a short distance apart, each forming a precappilary sphincter that encircles the entrance to one capillary. Constriction of these sphincters reduces or shuts off blood flow through their respective capillaries and diverts blood to tissues or organs elsewhere.

What is the purpose of sphincters?

Sphincters prevent material from flowing backwards, like the pyloric sphincter in the stomach.

How do precapillary sphincters help regulate blood pressure and body temperature?

the Precapillary Sphincters control blood pressure and body temperature by regulating the flow of blood to the capillary bed.

The amount of blood that flows into capillaries is regulated by?

precapillary sphincters

What is the purpose of the sphincter in a pig?

The main purpose of the sphincter is to control or limit a passage way to one direction. There are two main sphincters in pigs, the cardiac sphincter that controls the passageway from the esophagus into the stomach. And the pyloric sphincter that controls the passageway into the duodenum.

If the precapillary sphincters are contracted by which route will the blood flow?

through the shunts