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You can feed then caned meat ether from your pets or what you eat, or you could just feed them meat. p.s. make sure its not frozen.

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Q: Pregnant snapping turtles what can you feed them of household food?
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Are snapping turtles carnivore omnivore or herbivore?

They are carnivores i think because they do not eat meat

Does anything eat a wide mouth bass?

Largemouth are prey for many species. As fingerlings, alrge fish, including larger bass feed on them. As juveniles, herons and otters feed on them, as well as snapping turtles. Adults have few enemies, man, otters, snapping turtles, alligators.

How do turtles get along with humans?

well snapping turtles are a little harder to get along with than most turtles but other than snappers if you feed the turtle and be a good owner to it than it will be easy to get along with.

Can wild snapping turtles eat fruit?

I have eaten wild snapping turtles on many occasions and must disagree with the answer above. While cleaning turtles from a creek in rural Sumner County, Tennessee I have found both persimmon and pawpaw seeds in their stomach contents. This would seem to me to be a positive indication that, at least on occasion, snapping turtles do indeed eat fruit.

Can you snapping turtle eat bread?

Yes it is healthy but you have to hand feed it

How do turtles feed their young?

they fert

How much to feed turtles?


Is the Florida snapping turtle a carnavor herbavor or omnivor?

It is an omnivore It feed on plants, insects, spiders, worms, fish, frogs, small turtles, snakes, birds, crayfish, small mammals, and carrion. Plant matter accounts for about a third of the diet.

You just found a baby snapping turtle crossing your street you intend to buy him some worms tomorrow but you dont have any for tonight What should you feed him for right now?

Snapping turtles don't care much for worms. They will do well with goldfish. You may need to coax it into taking a bite by flicking it on the nose with the fish. Keep your fingers away from its mouth because even a baby snapping turtle can take a painfully large chunk out of you.

Does salmon eat turtles?

I don't believe salmon would feed on turtles out of choice.