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Q: President impeached during Mexican-American war
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Who was impeached during the civil war?

Andrew Johnson

Which President was impeached and almost convicted after the civil war?

Andrew Johnson.

Did Ulysses S. Grant get impeached from the office?

Ulysess S. Grant didn't get impeached, in fact he was one of the Union generals who was very good at his job in the Civil War. I quote what President Lincoln said about Grant "I can't spare this man-he fights."

Would Abraham Lincoln have been impeached if he was not assassinated?

Abraham Lincoln should have been impeached. The arguments for the impeachment could be: Overstepping executive powers, overpassing the USC Amendments and Laws, and his blockade of southern ports because a blockade is only allowed when a war is declared and Lincoln said it was not a war but a rebellion.

Kennedy was president during what war?

He was president during the cold war and vietnam.

Who was the president during World War I and two?

President Woodrow Wilson was the president during World War 1. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the president during World War 2 until he died near the end of the war. President Harry S. Truman was president through the end of the war and during the Korean War.

Who was president during the civic war?

Abraham Lincoln (our 16th President) was President during the Civil War

Who was the president in war war 2?

President Roosevelt was the president during World War 2. He did not live to see the end of the war however. Vice President Truman became the President and he was president when the war ended and during the Korean War.

Was James Garfield president during a war?

no he wasn't.Jame madison is the president during the war

Why was presidant jhonson impeacheed?

President Johnson was impeached due to firing the War Secretary, Edwin M. Stanton from office. This was in direct violation of the Tenure of Office Statute. The House of Representative vote made Johnson the first president in history to be impeached.

Who cannot be impeached?

False 1 senator, 1 Secretary of War (1876) and 15 federal judges have been impeached Article II, Section 4, of the Constitution, the House of Representatives has the power to impeach the president, vice president AND ANY CIVIL OFFICER).

Was Lincoln president after a war or during a war?

yes- Lincoln was the President during the entire American Civil War.