President William McKinley was the President during the Spanish American War. Theodore Roosevelt actually served in the military during the war.
President William McKinley was the President during the Spanish American War. Theodore Roosevelt actually served in the military during the war.
They served in the US military.
They served as volunteer nurses in military hospitals during the civil war.
During the Korean War (1950 -1953) Australia responded by immediately offering military assistance. Some 17,000 Australians served in the Korean war.
Segregated, non-combat support units.
A lot Approximately 1800 are still listed as MIA.
The number of German soldiers who served in the German Military in World War I was 13,250,000. The number of American military personnel that served during World War I was 4,743,826.
They served in the US military.
They served as volunteer nurses in military hospitals during the civil war.
Approximately 2,594,000 US Servicemen served "in country" during the Vietnam War.
If you served in a combat zone yes. If not, you are a war era veteran.
President William McKinley. Theodore roosevelt served in the military suring the spanish-American war
Joseph Joffre was a famous French general who served during the First World War. He served in the military from 1871 to 1919.
Women were always active in the military, even as early as the late 1700s. During the Revolutionary War, women served roles as cooks, nurses, and seamstresses. Women served during the Civil War and were recruited in World War I and II.
He served for almost three years during the Civil War.