


Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th U.S. President from 1901-1909, but is known also as the Governor of New York, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, New York City Police Commissioner, a cattle rancher, an author, and a New York State Assemblyman. Questions should relate to Theodore Roosevelt's life, career, family, and legacy.

2,575 Questions

What is the 1902 national reclamation act?

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Welcome to The Premier Legal Group, your trusted Law Firm in Los Angeles. Our team of dedicated Discrimination Attorneys, Whistleblower Lawyers, and Employment Law experts is committed to delivering unparalleled legal services. With a focus on civil rights, labor disputes, sexual harassment cases, wrongful termination claims, and business law matters, we strive for justice in every case.

Did Teddy Roosevelt start the National Park system?

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No, Teddy Roosevelt did not start the National Park system. The National Park system was established in 1916, during Woodrow Wilson's presidency, with the creation of the National Park Service. However, Roosevelt was a strong supporter of conservation and significantly expanded the national park system during his presidency.

Where did FDR die?

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Franklin D. Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945 at his vacation home in Warm Springs, Georgia.

What might you find on a Maya monument?

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On a Maya monument, you might find intricate carvings depicting historical events, rulers, battles, and religious ceremonies. These monuments often include hieroglyphic inscriptions that provide valuable information about Maya civilization, such as genealogy and calendrical records. Additionally, Maya monuments could feature images of gods, sacred animals, and celestial symbols.

Was a propaganda movement a success or a failure one in the Philippines?

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The extent of success or failure of a propaganda movement in the Philippines can vary depending on the specific movement in question. Overall, some propaganda movements in the Philippines have had success in raising awareness, sparking resistance, and contributing to larger movements for social change, while others may have faced repression and challenges that limited their impact.

Who was the 26th president of the United States and how old was he when he was elected?

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The 26th president of the United States was Theodore Roosevelt. He was 42 years old when he was elected in 1901 following the assassination of President William McKinley.

How can you trap a corrupt boss?

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To trap a corrupt boss, gather evidence of their corrupt activities such as emails, phone records, or witnesses. Present this evidence to relevant authorities or HR department with a formal complaint. Additionally, consider seeking legal advice to navigate the process effectively.

What is nag in teddys parents bathroom?

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It seems like you may be referring to a "nag," which is a small, compartmentalized storage unit commonly found in bathrooms. It is typically used to store bathroom supplies or toiletries in a neat and organized manner.

When did theodor suess geisel die?

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Theodor Seuss Geisel, also known as Dr. Seuss, passed away on September 24, 1991.

Are Mark Twain and Theodore Roosevelt enemies?

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Both Twain & Roosevelt felt that slavery was wrong. In Roosevelts last months of his life, Twain would visit him and help him write his memoirs whose sales were able to sustain Roosevelts family after his death. They had a mutual respect for each other and called each other friends.

The above answer couldn't be more wrong. Twain died BEFORE Roosevelt and they were enemies when it came to imperialism. In addition, Roosevelt was independently wealthy and died as such. It was Ulysses S. Grant whom Twain helped by editing and getting his memoirs published in order to sustain Grant's family.

How many books did Theodore Roosevelt write in his life?

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Theodore Roosevelt wrote over 35 books in his lifetime, covering various topics including history, politics, and nature. His writings reflected his interests in conservation, American life, and military history.

What is will be a good acrostic poem on Theodore Roosevelt?

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R- reformed the United States

O- only president to be 42 when in office

O- overcame the Spanish as a rough rider in the Spanish American War

S- suffered an injury in one eye due to a boxing accident and became partially blind in that eye

E- earned the Nobel Peace Prize

V- visited Abe Lincoln's funeral as a kid

E- every year he skinny dipped in the Potomac river in the freezing cold

L- loved to hunt

T- the first president to ride in a plane

Why do you suppose Joey Costello acted the way he did at tangerine middle school?

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Joey Costello may have acted the way he did at Tangerine Middle School due to a combination of personal struggles, peer influences, and possibly familial dynamics. It is important to consider individual circumstances and underlying factors that may have contributed to his behavior.

Who were the two family members of Roosevelt that died on the date of February 14 1884?

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The family members of Roosevelt who died on February 14, 1884, were his mother, Martha "Mittie" Roosevelt, who died of typhoid fever, and his wife, Alice Lee Roosevelt, who died from Bright's disease just hours after giving birth to their daughter also named Alice.

Did Teddy Roosevelt win the Pulitzer Prize?

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Yes, Theodore Roosevelt was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1919 for his book "The Winning of the West."

What was Theodore Roosevelt's favorite color?

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Theodore Roosevelt's favorite color is Alice Blue

When was Theodore Roosevelt born and when did he die?

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Theodore Roosevelt was born on October 27, 1858 in New York City, New York. He died at the age of 60 on January 6, 1919 in Cove Neck, New York.

Was roosevelt correct in his belief that a strong military presence promoted global peace?

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The best answer you are likely to get for this is maybe. The argument can definitely be made with strong evidence that he was correct. Consider the entire history of the Cold War.

A shorter study would be the Soviet invasions on Czechoslovakia and Afghanistan. Had either nation had strong, organized militaries, the USSR would likely never have crossed the borders.

What was Roosevelt's job in the Navy?

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Roosevelt served as the Assistant Secretary of the Navy from 1913 to 1920. In this role, he was responsible for managing the Navy's affairs and modernizing its fleet leading up to and during World War I.

When did Ethel Roosevelt Derby die?

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Ethel Roosevelt Derby, the daughter of President Theodore Roosevelt, passed away on December 10, 1977.

Who was the president whose actions split the republican party after he angered both progressives and conservationists?

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The president who split the Republican party after angering both progressives and conservationists was William Howard Taft. His actions, including signing the Payne-Aldrich Tariff and opposing conservation policies, led to the formation of the Progressive Party, which nominated Theodore Roosevelt as their candidate in the 1912 election. This split in the Republican party ultimately contributed to the election of Democrat Woodrow Wilson.

How did Theodre Roosevelt die?

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Theodore Roosevelt died on January 6, 1919, from a heart attack at his home in Oyster Bay, New York. He suffered from heart problems for several years leading up to his death. He was 60 years old at the time of his passing.

Did Vice President Roosevelt shoot President McKinley?

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No, Vice President Theodore Roosevelt did not shoot President William McKinley. McKinley was shot by an anarchist named Leon Czolgosz during a public appearance in September 1901. McKinley died a few days later, and Roosevelt succeeded him as President.

What war did Theodore roosevelt fight against?

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Theodore Roosevelt fought in the Spanish-American War. He volunteered and led the famous "Rough Riders" cavalry unit during the conflict.

Why do older children draw more realistic and accurate pictures than younger children?

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Older children typically have more developed fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and cognitive abilities, allowing them to better control their movements and produce more accurate drawings. They also have more experience and exposure to visual stimuli, which helps them understand and replicate objects, shapes, and proportions more accurately. Additionally, older children may have received more formal instruction or practice in drawing, which further enhances their skills.