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Q: Preventing social engineering attacks
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Which two actions can be considered social engineering attacks?

Phishing, where attackers use deceptive emails to trick someone into revealing sensitive information, and pretexting, where attackers manipulate individuals into providing confidential information by creating a false scenario.

What guidelines is a measure for preventing a social engineering attack?

Do not use portable storage devices.

A measure for preventing a social engineering attack except?

Create a strong cybersecurity awareness program that educates employees about common social engineering tactics and how to identify and respond to them effectively. Regularly remind employees to be cautious about sharing sensitive information and to verify the identity of anyone requesting information. Implement multi-factor authentication and access control measures to add an extra layer of security to sensitive systems and information. Conduct regular security assessments and simulations to identify vulnerabilities and gaps in your organization's defenses against social engineering attacks.

Are Social engineering attacks are only successful if the attacker is able to obtain all the information about your network?


Is Social engineering attacks only successful if the attacker is able to obtain all the information about your network?


Is Social engineering attacks are only successful if the attacker is able to obtain all the information about your network?


List two examples of categories for both passive and active network security attacks?

passive attacks : footprinting, trashing active attacks : sniffing, social engineering

What are the measures in preventing a social engineering attact?

keeping hidden from public view any passwords that are posted in the work area

What is any technique that uses social skills to generate human interaction that entices individuals to reveal sensitive information?

Social Engineering

What social engineering attacks?

Attacks using social engineering rely on human trust - and by exploiting trust, one can gain access to computer systems much quicker than resorting to traditional methods if said systems are hardened to a point where it is not possible to gain entry within a short amount of time. For example, take a look at XKCD's comic strip about this topic.

Exploiting people to gain sensitive information is most associated with?

social engineering

Show all the attacks based on malicious code?

Trojan horse, virus and worm not social engineering by prana kumar dubey, hcl cdc, agra