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Q: Prickly herbaceous plants or shrubs especially blackberry plants?
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How is support attained in herbaceous plants?

through the xylem vessels

Which describes herbaceous stems?

Stem - supporting structure of a plant, serving also to conduct and to store food materials. The stems of herbaceous and of woody plants differ: those of herbaceous plants are usually green and pliant and are covered by a thin epidermis instead of by the bark of woody plants. There is relatively more pith in herbaceous stems, and the cambium, which increases the diameter of woody stems, is usually almost inactive; it is therefore characteristic of herbaceous stems that, although they increase in height, their increase in diameter is small.

What kind of plants have soft flexible stems?

which is a very sall plant with soft stems

What advantages do plants with woody stems have over plants with herbaceous?

Herbaceous is any plant that makes new growth from ground level every year and all above-ground growth dies at the end of that season. Gardeners complicate things a little by usually applying the name only to fibrous-rooted plants, so although things like daffodils are herbaceous, they generally just get called bulbs. Herbaceous plants can be annual, biennial or perennial Woody stem has no meaning in gardening or botany, although perhaps you mean shrub? Herbaceous plants may have substantial stems, but they are never real wood - they are very often filled with pith to give rigidity

Could the terms woody and herbaceous be used to describe other types of plants besides angiosperm?

Yes they can.

Related questions

What is a prickly plant beginning with the letter T?

A Thistle and a Teasel are both prickly plants.

What is the meaning of thistle?

Any one of several prickly composite plants, especially those of the genera Cnicus, Craduus, and Onopordon. The name is often also applied to other prickly plants.

What desert animal eats prickly pears?

Javelina, antelope, desert bighorn sheep. tortoises and some rodents will feed on the prickly pear especially in times of drought when few other plants are available.

A type of prickly plant?

Cactus is a type of prickly plant that typically grows in arid regions and is known for its thorny spikes.

Are there cacti in the Great Victoria Desert?

Cacti are strictly plants of the Americas. However, cacti, especially prickly pears, have been introduced into a number of deserts around the world and they have become a noxious invasive species.Cacti are strictly plants of the Americas. However, cacti, especially prickly pears, have been introduced into a number of deserts around the world and they have become a noxious invasive species.

Soft stem plants are called?


What are examples of rootstock?

orchids or herbaceous plants

What are the example of rootstock?

orchids or herbaceous plants

Is a rose herbaceous?

No, a rose is not considered an herbaceous plant. Herbaceous plants typically have soft, green stems that die back in winter, while roses are woody perennial plants with thorny stems.

Are cotton plants prickly?

No, cotton plants do not have prickly leaves or stems. They have soft, green leaves and stems that are not spiny or prickly to touch.

Is a prickly pear cactus a carnivore?

Prickly pears are plants, therefore are neither carnivores or herbivores.

What is the definition for soft stem?

Referring to herbaceous plants