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Iocane powder.

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Q: Princess Bride What is the name of the poison that killed Vizzini?
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Related questions

Who is the sicilan in princess bride?

His name is Vizzini.

In Princess Bride Where did the giant come from before finding work with Vizzini?

fezzik came from Greenland

What one word phrase did Vizzini keep uttering in amazement in The Princess Bride?

In the movie The Princess Bride, Vizzini repeated the word 'inconceivable' whenever something happened to thwart his plans. His swordsman, Inigo Montoya, retorted, "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

What kind of vessel is used as Vizzini's Boat in the movie The Princess Bride and where is it now?

A Cog. Just a guess. As for the rest, no clue.

What poison is the Dread Pirate Roberts immune to in The Princess Bride?

Iocane Powder as i just found out

Who said the battle of wits quote?

The quote "Battle of wits" was said by Vizzini in the movie "The Princess Bride" directed by Rob Reiner.

What is the famous line from Princess Bride?

"My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

What is an example of an flat character?

A flat character is uncomplicated and doesn't change during the course of the story. Vizzini is a flat character in the princess bride as his character doesn't change in story. *A car salesman who tries to bully people into buying a car.

What movie had a character named Buttercup?

Princess Bride.

In Princess Bride what are the names of the men who are supposed to kill Buttercup?

No one was going to kill Buttercup, she was going to commit suicide because she wanted to marry Westley not Humperdink. _____________________________________________________________________ i think the question is refering to Vizzini, Fezzik, and Inigo Montoya. they were hired by prince humperdink to kill the princess so he could frame giler (spelling most likely incorrect) and start a war. inigo and fezzik were hired by Vizzini to help him. they ended up being good in the end.

In The Princess Bride how does Wesley die?

He drinks wine with Iocane Powder during the Battle of Witts. (same as the movie)

How old is the movie the princess bride?

The Princess Bride was released in 1987.