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Q: Prior to the American Revolution the British repealed all of the new taxes they had levied on the colonists with the exception of the ta?
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What did the colonist do when the townshend Acts were passed?

The British Parliament repealed some of the Townshend Act duties. While most of the new taxes were repealed, the tax on tea continued and the British government kept on trying to tax the colonists without their consent. This finally led to the Boston Tea Party, followed by the American Revolution.

Parliament eventually repealed what act because of the colonists protests?

Parliament repealed The stamp Act.

How did the behavior of the colonists cahange the stamp act?

It was 1765. The colonists were mad and protested. In 1766 it was repealed as a result of the colonists boycott.

How did the Colonists feel about the king after the repealed stamp act?

the felt angery

What American revolution acts were repealed?

The Stamp Act, which was later replaced by the Sugar Act in 1754, followed by the Townshend Acts and Intolerable (Coercive Acts)

Parliament eventually repealed this act because of the colonists protests?

The Stamp Act

When colonists decided to british goods parliament repealed the stamp act?


What did British Parliament do to address the grievances of the colonists?

repealed the Stamp and Townshend Acts

How did the colonists feel about the king after they had repealed the Stamp Act?

they didnt trust the king as much

When the British repealed the stamp act but simultaneous reaffirmed its right to tax the colonists what was the result?


When the British Parliament repealed the Stamp Act but reaffirmed its right to tax the colonists what was the result?


How did the colonists show their resentment of the stamp act?

The colonists showed their resentment of the Stamp Act by staging demonstrations. Eventually the unpopular act was repealed by Parliament.