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the hazards associated with the hand fitting activities (such as use of power tools, trailing leads or hoses, damaged or badly maintained tools and equipment, using files with damaged or poor fitting handles)

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you can cut yourself...

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Q: Problems that can occur with the hand fitting activities?
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How often does six fingers occur?

always when you put up 3 on each hand lol

What health problems does secondhand smoking cause?

Second hand smoke causes many health problems. This includes asthma, skin diseases, lung problems and much more in the people exposed.

How many people have alien hand syndrome?

Alien Hand Syndrome is a neurological disorder that causes involuntary movements of the hand. This can occur if the corpus callosum is separated or damaged. It can also occur after having the brain surgically separated into two hemispheres, strokes, a blow to the head, infections, and after brain surgeries to treat severe epilepsy. Sufferers who have Alien Hand Syndrome have trouble controlling their hand and or cannot control it at all. For example, a sufferer can be putting on a shirt while the alien hand tries to take it off. In some cases, the alien hand tries to strangle the sufferer. In the movie, Dr Strangelove, Dr Strangelove's hand would occasionally try to strangle him or do a Nazi salute. The Alien Hand Syndrome is also known as Anarchic syndrome or Dr Strangelove syndrome.

What is the pathway and cluster are listed in forensics?

The pathway of my career is investigate foot, shoe, hand, prints. The cluster of my career is solve problems and clues.

If when a student touches a hot stove and withdraws his hand and then yells why does the yelling occur after his hand is withdrawn?

The withdrawal of the limb is mediated by a spinal reflex pathway mediated by the larger A fibres while the sensation of pain is carried to the brain much slower by the c-fibres.

Related questions

What problems can occur with the hand fitting activities and how can these be overcome?

You could cut yourself or otherwise injure yourself. These are hard to overcome within the activity itself, but it's possible to reduce the risk of injury with more caution.

What are the hazards associated with the hand fitting activities and how they can be minimised?

by usi ng trrained and expereinced handds.

What are health and safety requirements and safe working pratices and prodcedures required for the hand fitting activities undertaken?


What activities do you need a steady hand for?

Activities that require a steady hand include painting, calligraphy, surgery, playing musical instruments such as the violin or flute, and activities like threading a needle or assembling intricate objects.

What are the hazards associated with hand fitting activity's?

by usi ng trrained and expereinced handds.

When should hand washing occur?

Whenever your hand is dirty or greasy

What are the hazards associated with hand fitting techniques and how can you minimise them and reduce risks?

ya mum puda

Can co-curricular activities and academic go hand in hand?

yes.................of course it can go hand in hand if we hard work enough... :)

What is handi in English?

Handi means activities done with the hand

What human activities went hand in hand with long distance trading?

probably technological advances and industrialization

What are the major system designs activities explain them?

its a process starting with right hand and finish with the left hand

What is the word for a person who uses his right hand for some things and his left hand for other activities?
