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Q: Product that is the same no matter who makes it?
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Product that is considered the same no matter who makes it or sells it?


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Product that is considered the same no matter who produces or sells it?

Commodities -CH

What makes a product special in multiplying algebraic expression?

The two mean the same thing A product is a multiple.

Does matter and mass mean the same thing?

Mass is the amount of matter in an object and matter is anything that makes up any type of substance such as liquids, gases, and solids. Therefore they do not have the same definition.

What is the tendency of matter to continue moving in the same direction?

I am wondering the same question.........I was tolled that it gravity, that makes no sense

Why is the order of the prime factor is not important?

Because multiplication is commutative. The order of the factors doesn't matter, the product will be the same.

Does physical state of matter always change during a chemical change?

No. Two elements of the same state can combine and still be in the same state in the end product.

Matter makes up anything that has matter and what else?

Matter makes up anything that has mass.

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What makes products core products?

The product itself basically makes it a core product to the company. If the product is something people find necessary or a must have then that product then becomes the core product because it sells and makes money.