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Groups of the Periodic Table of Elements.

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Q: Properties of elements change according to a pattern across the?
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Is it true or false that across a period from left to right the properties of elements change according to a pattern?

Yes, properties change according to pattern along a period. For example- atomic size decreases along a period. This is due to increasing nuclear charge.Yes, most of the properties change according to a pattern. Atomic radii, electronegativity changes according to a pattern. But properties like ionization energy does not change according to a pattern.

Across the periodic table the properties of elements become WHAT?

across a periodic table, the properties of elements become less metallic and more nonmetallic

What happens to the properties of elements across any periodic of the table?

Across any period, the properties of elements gradually change. This gradual change is called a periodic trend.

O The periodic table of elements is the arrangement of elements according to?

The periodic table of elements is the arrangement of elements according to atomic number increasing from left to right across rows of the table.

How do physical properties differ as you move across a period or down a group?

Moving down a group, the elements will have the same number if valence electrons. Tis will give them similar properties, such as the Noble Gases, or the extreme reactivity of Group I metals. Moving across a period, elements will begin to resemble each other less and share fewer properties the further apart they are in the row.

Do element properties change as you move across a period or whithin a group?

Yes, it is true, the properties of elements change in groups and periods.

How do the metallic properties of the elements change as you move from left to right on the periodic table?

Metallic character decreases as we move across a period. The electronegative character increases as we move across a period. So the element across the period will be non mettalic in nature.

When you read across a row on the periodic table what happens?

Periods (across the periodic table) have increasing atomic mass. Groups (down the table) have similar properties and reactive natures.

A Row of elements in the periodic table whose properties change gradually and predictability?

The rows on the Periodic table are called "periods" and the increasing atomic number across a period represents additions to the electron orbitals, which cause the properties manifested by individual elements (elements of the same group, or column, have similar properties).

What do vertical colums represent in the periodic table?

Physical and chemical properties change somewhat regularly across a period. Elements that are close to each other in the same period tend to be more similar than elements that are father apart.

Why do the properties of elements of change in a regular way across a period?

Because certain groups have different characteristics, so when you move to a different group the characteristics will be different.

Why do properties of element change in Regular way across a period?

As atomic number increases, the number of electrons also increases except for Period 1 because it ends with a number of valence electrons with higher energy , (This pattern means that the elements within a group always have the same number of valence electrons having the result of having similar properties.)