

Pros of cracking and hacking

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Q: Pros of cracking and hacking
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Has there been a lot of coumper hacking?

All I can tell you is that the issue is fraught with hype. A lot of people make a lot of money by making out that computer hacking ('cracking') is a bigger problem than it really is. 'hacking' and 'cracking' are two different things. Technically it would be impossible to be arrested for 'hacking' because hacking is completely legal. 'Cracking' is illegal.

How are hacking and cracking the same?

In the modern slang, it basically means the same thing. Sometimes cracking is used to describe illegal decompilation (hacking) of software.

What are two ways data can be stolen?

hacking and cracking

Do hackers really hack people's laptops?

Only when authorised to do so. Unauthorised entry is known as cracking rather than hacking, however we typically use the terms white-hat hacking and black-hat hacking to differentiate between lawful hacking and unlawful cracking.

What ia the difference between hacking and cracking?

Hacking refers to testing and improving computer systems for security purposes, while cracking involves breaking into systems for malicious intents. Hacking is often done ethically to identify vulnerabilities and enhance security, while cracking is illegal and done to exploit weaknesses for personal gain.

Breaking into a remote computer system with authorization is called what?

Cracking, not hacking.

What are pros of hacking?

You could get Arceus if you are a pro hacker and you know what to do.

Define the activity of hacking or cracking?

Gaining access to systems and locations without authority.

What are the websites that need to be hacked?

None. Hacking, or in the terms of someone who does not work for a the government, cracking, is illegal. Hacking is government approved only if you work for the government.

Who invented computer cracking?

originally computer cracking was to test computer is different situations. previous to that people would use hacking/cracking to fool telephone exchanges to get free phone calls etc

How does hacking or cracking work?

Computer hacking can be done remotely by sending a virus, Trojan or something.

What is the origin of cracking and hacking?

MIT geeks who pulled pranks in the 60's and 70's