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Puritans had a very clear and definitely view of what they pictured to be God. They believed that all things done should be done for God.

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Q: Puritans what is their view of god?
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What is the puritens view of god?

The Puritans view of God was based solely upon the Word of God, the Bible, and was manifest in their holy living and zeal for God's Word. John Bunyan, who wrote The Pilgrim's Progress, was perhaps the most famous of the Puritans, and if you read his book you will discover what was the puritans view of God.

Did the puritans believe Jesus was god?

Yes, the Puritans were part of the Reformed branch of Protestant Christianity, which among many beliefs, holds to the traditional Trinitarian view of God.

Was the Puritan view of God more of a loving God or a judgemental God?

The Puritans spoke of God as a loving God, but by their actions regarded him as much more a judgemental God

How was the Puritans relationship with God?

The Puritans relationship with God was inseparable. They believed in God and only God.

How do puritans view other faiths?

They viewed other faiths as Antichristian and thought that those people would be punished by god.

Do puritans have an optimistic view on life?

No they have a depressing view

How did the Puritans view death?

They were against it.

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Do puritans view man as good or evil or somewhere in between?

do puritans view man as inherently good evil or somewhere in between ?

What are the puritans view of education?

There view was to show they were better than the pilgrums.

Why did the puritans love good lives according to strong religious principles?

Puritans were simply God-fearing people. They followed God's laws and the principles of The Bible.

Why did the Puritans believe they were the chosen people?

the puritans believe they were chosen by god