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Because radium is a decay product of uranium or thorium.

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Q: Radium is one of the alkaline earth metals -However its only natural source is uranium-why?
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What are the phases of radium?

Radium is a natural chemical element, solid, alkaline earth metal.

What is the definition of radium?

Radium is a natural chemical element, discovered in 1898, radioactive, alkaline earths group, metal, solid, rare in the nature.

Is radium a metalloid?

No, radium is an alkaline earth metal .

Is radium a metal or a nonmetal?

Radium is an alkaline earth metal.

What state is radium?

Radium is a solid alkaline earth metal.

Which family is the element Radium in?

Radium is in the family of alkaline earth metals.

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Radium (Ra), atomic number 88, is the most reactive alkaline earth metal. It has the most energy levels of all the alkaline earth metals therefore it's electrons are more easily taken away.

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