

Rain exists in what phase?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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7y ago

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. Liquid

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Q: Rain exists in what phase?
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What phase does rain exists in?


What do the sections between the lines on a phase diagram?

- The conditions in which a substance exists in a certain phase. ^.^

What determines the phase in which water exists by?

The phase of water (solid, liquid, gas) is determined by its temperature and pressure. At normal atmospheric pressure, water is a liquid at temperatures between 0°C and 100°C. Changes in temperature and pressure can cause water to change phases.

What do the sections between the lines on a phase diagram represent?

- The conditions in which a substance exists in a certain phase. ^.^

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Be2+ exists in the gas phase as a beryllium ion due to the loss of two electrons from a beryllium atom, resulting in a stable electronic configuration. In the gas phase, beryllium ions can form through processes like ionization or dissociation of beryllium-containing molecules or compounds.

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Yes, Be2-1 exists in the gas phase.

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What is the Phase of matter in which outer core exists?

liquid and a solid(: hope it helped

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A substance is called a vapor when it is in the gaseous phase at a temperature below its critical temperature. Above this critical temperature, the substance is in the supercritical fluid phase rather than a distinct gas and vapor phases.

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It is called plasma. It's similar to a gas, but a plasma has lots of ions.

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