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Essentially, the thinner the phospholipid bi-layer the higher the rate of diffusion as the molecules have less distance to travel before passing into the cells cytoplasm.

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Q: Rate of diffusion and thickness of membrane?
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The rate of diffusion through a semipermeable membrane will be lowest when?

The rate of diffusion through a semipermeable membrane will be lowest when the concentration gradient between the two sides of the membrane is smallest, or when the thickness of the membrane is largest, limiting the movement of molecules.

What is an example of diffusion in a sentence?

The rate of diffusion is determined by the permeability of the membrane and the concentration gradient.

How does a selectively permeable membrane affect diffusion?

Factors that influence rate of diffusionThe rate of diffusion depends on the concentration difference across the two sides of the membrane.The rate depends on the permeability of the plasma membrane to the diffusing substance.The rate of diffusion depends on the temperature of the solution.The rate of diffusion through a membrane is also directly proportional to the surface area of the membrane, which can be increased by such adaptations as microvilli.the thickness of the cell membranethe mass of the solute particlesthe difference in the initial concentration gradient*these are also factors that influence the rate of diffusion between extracellular and intracellular environments

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Besides the concentration of the chemical, the pore size of the plasma membrane, and the osmotic pressure of the cytoplasm - nothing else influences the rate of diffusion of a chemical across a plasma membrane.

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Factors that influence the diffusion of ions across the membrane include concentration gradient (from high to low concentration), membrane permeability to specific ions, presence of channel or carrier proteins, electrical gradients (e.g. membrane potential), and temperature. These factors collectively determine the rate and direction of ion movement across the membrane.

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In simple diffusion, a substance passes through a membrane without any outside intermediary. The rate of diffusion is based on the force exerted..

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Concentration gradient directly affects the rate of diffusion. Higher concentration gradients lead to faster diffusion rates because there is a larger difference in concentration between two areas, which results in more molecules moving from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.

What was the average diffusion rate of urea when the 200 MWCO membrane was used as a barrier?

Once diffusion occurs it does not matter the MWCO of the membrane, but it depends on difference of concentration, as it is said in Fick's first law.

What is the advantage of the presence of on cell membranes?

the membrane has a greater surface area for an increased rate of diffusion

How can some substance diffuse through a cell membrane at faster rate than by diffusion alone?

In facilitated diffusion, there are temporary openings in the cell membrane that enable certain molecules to pass through quickly.

What is the thickness of the respiratory membrane?

The average thickness of respiratory membrane is 0.2 Mm

Facilitated diffusion required what?

Facilitated diffusion requires membrane proteins