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Q: Reacts with certain metals acid or base?
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Are metals acids or bases?

With the exception of boron which is unreactive , yes and each member of the group behaves differently. Silicon reacts to hot base and is almost unreactive to acid. Germanium and arsenic reacts to hot concentrated sulfuric and nitric but not to sodium hydroxide. Antimony reacts to nitric and sulfuric acid but not to base. Tellurium reacts to acids and bases.

What type of chemical reacts with acid?

A base will react with an acid.

What products are formed when an acid reacts with a base?

the reaction in which an acid reacts with a base is called neutralization reaction. in a neutralization reaction salt and water is formed. acid+base=salt+h2o in neutralization reaction anion from acid reacts with a cation from base to form salt for eg;hcl+naoh=nacl+h2os

What happen when a acid reacts with a base?


When a base is mixed with acidic solution neutralization occurs because?

when a base is mixed with an acidic solution why does neutralization occurs?

When does ammonia NH3 behave as a base when it reacts with an acid?

Ammonia NH3 behaves as a base when it reacts with an acid because it accepts a proton and becomes NH4+.

Acid reacts with a base?

An acid-base reaction is neutralisation. The products are a neutral salt and water.

What happens when a base reacts with an acid?

the reaction which takes place when an acid reacts with a base is called neutralization reaction. For instance,if HCl reacts with NaOH, the products are NaCl and water. Neutralizing an acid with a base would always give salt and water as the only products.

Is alkaseltzer acid or base?

It's really neither cuz it reacts with an acid and a base but i would probably say.... Acid

What is formed when a strong acid with a strong base?

A salt is formed when a strong acid reacts with a strong base.

What product forms when a base reacts with an acid?

When a base reacts with an acid, they form water and a salt. This reaction is known as neutralization where the base helps to neutralize the acidity of the acid, resulting in the production of a salt.

What compound is always formed when an acid reacts with a base?

A salt and water are typically formed when an acid reacts with a base.