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withered and died like grass

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Scott Momaday wrote The Way to Rainy Mountain at a time when what?

Native Americans were interested in their culture

What is the tone of the narrative in the way to rainy Mountain?

The tone of "The Way to Rainy Mountain" by N. Scott Momaday is contemplative, nostalgic, and reverent. Momaday reflects on the history and culture of his Kiowa ancestors with a sense of loss and longing for a vanishing way of life.

Why did momaday return to rainy mountain?

Momaday returned to Rainy Mountain to explore his ancestral connections and spiritual roots, seeking a deeper understanding of his Kiowa heritage and culture. Through this journey, he aimed to reclaim his identity, preserve the traditional knowledge of his people, and honor the legacy of his ancestors.

Momaday wrote his novel the way to rainy mountain and house made of dawn at a time when native Americans?

were interested in their culture and politically active

In which of the following ways is N Scott Momaday's The Way to Rainy Mountain not typical of postmodern literary works?

N. Scott Momaday's "The Way to Rainy Mountain" is not typical of postmodern literary works because it incorporates elements of oral tradition and Native American culture, rather than solely focusing on fragmentation, metafiction, or deconstruction of traditional narrative structures commonly found in postmodern literature. Momaday's text blends personal storytelling with mythology and history in a way that highlights cultural continuity and connection to ancestral lands, which is distinct from the skepticism and irony often associated with postmodern works.

What might the cricket mentioned at the end of this selection symbolize to momaday?

Momaday's descriptions of nature illuminate the way that Kiowas see their relationship to the natural world. Since the Kiowas' idea of themselves (their culture, in other words) is wrapped up in their relationship to nature, they were different people when they lived in Yellowstone than when they lived on the plains.

What did Momaday do in regard to Native American culture and oral traditions?

has worked hard to preserve it.

What is the theme of New World by N Scott Momaday?

The theme of "The Way to Rainy Mountain" by N. Scott Momaday revolves around the importance of cultural heritage, the connection between the past and present, and the enduring power of storytelling. It explores the author's Kiowa heritage, traditions, and history, emphasizing the preservation and understanding of Native American culture.

What is The Buffalo Trust?

The Buffalo Trust was a trust Momaday established to preserve Native American culture.

Why did the author make a pilgrimage to rainy mountain?

The author, N. Scott Momaday, made a pilgrimage to Rainy Mountain to reconnect with his Kiowa heritage and to explore the history and culture of the Kiowa people. By visiting this sacred place, he sought to gain a deeper understanding of his roots and identity as a Native American.

Are any stories that Momaday tells from the Kiowa oral traditions similar to important stories in your culture?


How did N Scott Momaday's background as a member of the Kiowa tribe affect the way he wrote The Way to Rainy Mountain?

N. Scott Momaday's background as a member of the Kiowa tribe influenced his writing in "The Way to Rainy Mountain" by infusing the text with Kiowa oral traditions and storytelling techniques. His deep understanding of Kiowa culture and history enabled him to weave traditional stories and language into the narrative, creating a rich and authentic portrayal of his heritage. Additionally, Momaday's personal connection to the land and people of Rainy Mountain shines through in his lyrical prose, reflecting a profound sense of belonging and reverence for his ancestral homeland.