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Q: Realism boldness and action characterize the paintings and sculpture of the kkamakura period. which Japanese artist created wooden statue of the priest muschaku that is an exemplary example of realism?
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How have Romans produced art?

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What kind of art did Leonardo do?

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Why was Raphael important to Renaissance?

He was a good painter and sculpture. He was well known by the Popes and is most famous from his sculpture of David, paintings of Madonnas(the most famous paintings of her are on some stamps) and he worked on the Sistine Chapel.

Where are Leonardo's paintings and sculptures now?

IN PARIS AND LONDON!!!! His only little sculpture is in Budapest. Click link below for a list of his paintings and their whereabouts.

Who hired artist create paintings and sculpture?

Aristocrats, the Church, and Political Leaders mostly.

What came first painting or sculpture?

It has long been believed that the oldest specimens of sculpture found, are older than any paintings. However, the latest discoveries in cave painting seems to make the oldest paintings and the oldest sculptures rather similar in age.

Leonardo da Vinci created what kinds of artworks?

Paintings and drawings. His plan for a big sculpture was not executed.

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