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The recommended age depends on the particular playhouse, some of them are designed for 1 1/2 to 2 years and up and others for 3 and up. They range in price from around $110 for a very simple all the way up to around $500 for a fancier one with multiple pieces. Check them out at

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10y ago

The recommended ages for a step 2 playhouse are anywhere from 1 1/2 to 5 years old. This does not necessarily mean a child slightly younger or older is not an appropriate age to use a step 2 playhouse, those are just guideline ages.

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Where can I find a step 2 playhouse online?

Many companies have Step 2 playhouses online available for purchase. Wal-Mart and Target are just two retailers who have different styles of these fun playhouses. Other online retailers include Kohl's, Sears, and the Step 2 website.

Where can one purchase step 2 playhouses?

Many different vendors offer the step 2 playhouses, both online and in store. One larger store that offers this product is Walmart, if ordered online there are many different shipping options, from in-store pickup to home delivery.

Step 2 Playhouses For Indoor Or Outdoor Play?

Step 2 playhouses provide years of play for children. Most families use them outside, but they are popular for doctors offices and waiting rooms, too. Children find hours of entertainment in these houses playing pretend. They are decorated both inside and outside, so kids have more room to play. Playhouses give toddlers and preschoolers the chance to role play, which is an important step in their development. Most playhouses are big enough that children can play in them for many years before outgrowing it.

What are the dangers step 2 playhouses pose?

Steps to a playhouses pose a danger to really young children; those just walking, those crawling, children having a hard time walking, hyper children and the list goes on. In addition they might pose a problem for children with disabilities. It all varies on your child and safety precautions taken for them.

What is the recommended daily intake of fruit and vegetables?

2 cups of fruit daily is recommended if you are a male age 14 or older. For adult women, the recommendation is 2 cups of fruit daily from age 19 through 30 and 1 1/2 cups after age 30. The recommended intake of vegetables if you are an adult man is 3 cups through age 50 and 2 1/2 cups after age 50. If you are a woman, you need 2 1/2 cups of vegetables daily through age 50 and 2 cups after age 50.

What were 2 of Shakespeares theatres?

The two playhouses in which Shakespeare owned shares as the Globe (public) and Blackfriars (private).

Is step 2 playhouse safe for a 5 yr old?

The Step2 playhouse is available on both the Amazon and eBay websites. The recommended age for this toy is three to seven years old, so it would be perfect for a five year old.

What time of day would the plays take place in the globe theatre?

The plays at the public playhouses started around 2:00 P.M. so that the play could take advantage of the sunlight. Most stages faced south or southwest. The plays lasted from two to three hours. Public playhouses were usually open from April to October. Companies moved into their private winter playhouses at that time. Plays did not start being performed at night, in public playhouses, until the Restoration Period.

What age is appropritate for kitchen toys?

Kitchen playsets for children are usually recommended for ages 2 and up.

What is the recommended first step in performing printer maintenance?

The first step done when performing maintenance on a printer is to turn it off and unplug it.

What age should you start to toilet train your child?

2 or 3 yrs old but take it step by step if you do start to train your child and try to explain what your doing to your child.

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What is a good Step 2 CK score?