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0% light and 25% light

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Q: Refer to your graph of productivity and light intensity At what light intensity do you expect there to be?
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If you wanted to graph the data at the right what type of graph would you choose?

??? how do you expect me to answer that?? ???

How spectroscopy is used in quantitative determination?

In quantitative determination, spectroscopy is used to measure the amount of light absorbed or emitted by a sample at different wavelengths. By comparing these measurements to a standard curve or calibration curve, the concentration of the analyte in the sample can be determined. This approach provides a quick and accurate way to quantify the amount of a substance in a sample based on its interaction with light.

What is the difference between hydrograph and hyetograph?

hyetograph is the graph between intensity of rainfall and time whereas hydrograph is the graph between discharge and time.

What does the slope of the graph of photoelectric current versus intensity signify in the photoelectric effect?

The slope of the graph of photoelectric current versus intensity represents the photoelectric efficiency or the rate at which photoelectrons are emitted from the material in response to incident light intensity. A steeper slope indicates a higher photoelectric efficiency, while a flatter slope indicates a lower efficiency.

Is Lambarts' Law related to illumination?

Lambert's Law, also known as the Beer-Lambert Law, relates the absorbance of light to the concentration and path length of the absorbing material. It is not directly related to illumination, which refers to the brightness or light level in a given space. Lamberts' Law is more focused on how light is absorbed by a substance rather than how it illuminates a space.

What is the best way to graph shadow changes over a nine hour period?

A line graph with shadow intensity on the y axis and time on the x axis.

What type of information might a reader expect to find on a line graph?


Is there a graph of the acceleration rate of a falling object?

Yes, the acceleration rate of a falling object can be graphed over time. The graph typically shows the acceleration increasing due to gravity until it reaches a constant value (9.8 m/s2) once the object reaches terminal velocity or lands on the ground.

What is the area of a position time graph?

The area of a position-time graph does not have a meaning. However, the area under a velocity-time graph is the displacement. Refer to the related link below for an illustration.

How do you show continued numbers on a graph?

This is a graph of the numbers by the complex number formula (z-1)/(z+1) Refer to the related link.

Which type of information might a reader expect to find in a graph?

a comparison of two variables