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Q: Refraction of a sound wave occurs when a wave passes at an angle from one medium into another in which the of the wave is different?
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When does refraction happen?

Refraction occurs when light travels from one medium to another having different optical densities.

When light waves enter a new medium and bend what occurs?

When light enters a different medium, the amount that the light is bent as it enters the medium is determined by the medium's index of refraction.

Where does refraction occur?

Refraction occurs because waves move at different speeds in different bodies. Because a wave hits the other medium at an angle, part of the wave changes speed earlier than the rest, turning the waves. this is most obvious with light waves in water, but it happens with all types of waves in any change of medium.

When a wave bends as it passes from one medium to another what occurs?

Refraction is the change in direction of a wave when it reaches a boundary between two media due to traveling at different speeds in each medium.

Refraction occurs because the two sides of a wave that enter a new medium at an angle travel at different what?


What does light do when it enters a medium?

refraction occurs if the medium is water. or it bounces of a solid,my guess :D

When does refraction accour?

Refraction occurs when a beam of light is bent, and is caused by a change in the speed of the beam as it passes from one transparent medium to another. Refraction is the basis for vision and for optical lenses, which focus light rays into a new image. It also creates rainbows when individual color frequencies are split from white light.

Does refraction occur for both sound and light waves?

Refraction occurs for any waves, where there's a change in the medium.

What is a bending that occurs when a wave moves from one medium to another at an angle and changes speed?

When a toy car travels from a plain floor to the grass lawn we see that it deflects.Similarly light too bends when it changes its medium.This bending can be seen at the boundary of the two mediums that separates them.

Will a camera refract light?

Cameras do not refract light, lenses do. Refraction occurs whenever light passes from one medium to another, so it is not something that only occurs with lenses.

What occurs when light is sent in many directions as it passes through a medium?


Why does partial reflection and refraction still occur when the light is travelling more slowly in acrylic than in water?

It seems that you have not got a hold on refraction yet. Refraction occurs when a light is moving from one kind of medium to another kind. Now the slower the light moves more is the refraction. In fact refraction occurs due to change in the velocity of light in different mediums. When light moves from a rarer medium to a denser medium like say from air to glass, The speed of light decreases and the light moves towards the normal. A part of the light gets reflected back into the air as it falls on a denser medium. The reflection you see in the mirror is not perfect as due to the thickness of the glass most of the light refracts and some reflects.