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I am more than certain that the requirements, in Nevada, are that you must be at least the age of 24 and/or a mother of at least 3.

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Q: What are the requirements for getting tubes tied in Tennessee?
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Can you get your tubes tied with an IUD inserted?

Getting an IUD is not common if your tubes are tied.

Can you get a knot in the stomach after getting tubes tied?

You can indeed feel a knot in your stomach after getting your tubes tied. This is just irritation and inflammation and should go away.

Is tubes tied the same as getting them clipped?


What is getting your fallopian tubes tied?

getting your fallopian tubes tied is a medical procedure in which they tie off a womens fallopian tubes (where the egg gets released through into the womb) so she can not concieve (get pregnant).

Can you produce progesterone and Goblet cells if your tubes are tied?

Yes, getting your tubes tied doesn't affect progesterone or goblet cells.

Why do you still ovulate after getting your tubes tied?

I mit be pregnant cause my tubes tied its been 4 years yes u can

What is the difference of getting them tied verses burnt and clipped?

Tubes clipped - Fallopian tubes are clipped and it is reversible. Tubes cauterized (burned) - Tubes are burned (not reversible). Tubes tied - Doctors don't do this procedure that often, but it is what it is, your fallopian tubes are tied. (reversible but with difficulty and lower success rate)

Legal age in TN for getting tubes tied?


If tubs r tied can you still get pregnant?

No. That's the whole point of getting your tubes tied

What are the chances of getting pregnant after you get your tubes tied?

The risk is 1/1000.

What are the odds of getting pregnant if tubes were tied 8 years ago?

u can get pregnant if your tube were tied and not burned

Can you have your tubes untied if they have been cut and tied?

Yes you canYou can but it may not work. I have known 3 women whose tubes were tied and when through getting them untied. It didn't work.