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Q: Resists the flow of heat or electricity glass and rubber?
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What is something that resists the flow of heat or electricity?

Something that resists the flow of heat or electricity is called and insulator. An example of this would be rubber. That is why we have rubber around all of our computer cords, lamp cords, phone chargers, etc.

What materials do not allow electricity to flow easily?

Wood and coins cant conduct electricity however they can be used as insulators.

What is a device that resists the flow of electricity in a circuit?

A resistor.

What is a substance that blocks the flow of heat or electricity?

Substances that block electrical flow are called insulators. Some examples are glass, ceramics and rubber

Materials that electricity cannot flow through?

Note that "electricity" doesn't flow, only current does, which is one aspect of electricity, does. Current is the flow of electrons. The main materials that do not allow the easy flow of electrons are rubber, nylon wood, glass, ceramic, plastic and free air.

List 5 materials that electricity does not flow through well?

1.rubber 3.plastic 4.wood 5.cloths This are some materials that electricity not flow through (I think)

Why can't electricity go through rubber?

Rubber is what is known as an electrical insulator. The difference between insulators, which block the flow of electricity, and conductors, which permit the flow of electricity, lies in the availability of mobile electrons in the material in question. Electricity is composed of moving electrons. Some materials, such as metals, contain electrons that are easily moved, hence electric currents move easily in those materials. If a material does not have electrons that are easily moved, then it resists the flow of electrons.

What are 2 materials that impede the flow of electricity?

Glass and plastic also if there are other modifiers rubber is also included because it is a good insulation material.

What is the name of the group of materials that electricity cannot flow through?

Insulators. This group consists of rubber, glass, plastic & many other materials.

An object that stops the flow of electricity?

Rubber. Or an insulator.

When is a switch an insulator?

A switch is a device that can either be a conductor or an insulator. When the switch is off, it becomes an insulator and resists the flow of electricity.

Can electricity flow through all substances?

I don't think so; rubber doesn't conduct electricity