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Tension, i do believe.

common sense.

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Q: Results when forces within the earth are pulled or stretched from opposite directions?
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What results when forces within earth are pulled or stretched from opposite directions?


What results when forces within earth are pulled horizontally in opposite directions?


What results when forces within the earth are pulled or stretch from opposite directions?


What results when forces within the earth are pulled or stretched from opposite?


What results when forces within the earth are pulled horizontally opposite directions?

a-plus compression

Shearing results when forces within the earth are pulled in opposite horizontal directions?


What are equal forces acting on an object in opposite directions?

Equal forces acting on an object in opposite directions are called balanced forces. If they are on the same line of action, they are called couple forces.

What are equal forces that move in opposite directions?

Balanced forces


A force is a push or a pull that acts upon an object as a results of its interaction with another object. The push and the pull act in opposite directions; Action & Reaction forces which are equal & opposite

These forces push on rocks from different but not opposite directions?

divergent bounders or shearing forces

When two forces act equally on an object in opposite directions it is called?

balanced Forces

What is meant by like and unlike parallel forces?

Like Parallel forces are the forces that are parallel to each other and have same direction. Unlike parallel forces are the forces that are parallel but have directions opposite to each other.