

Robots do jobs that humans used to do?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Robots do jobs that humans used to do?
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Did robots do jobs that humans used to do?


Robots do jobs that humans used to do.?


Do robots do jobs humans used to do?


Did robots do jobs that humans use do to do?


What can robots do to help humans with?

Robots can help humans in any way! In the home, business, factories, and can do the most dangerous jobs that humans cant even do!

Should robots do the jobs that humans do?

Robots should do the jobs that humans don't want: the messy, boring, repetitive, or dangerous activities such as sewage cleaning, precision welding, and defusing bombs.

What kind of jobs do robots do?

Here are some of the things that robots do to help humans:=- Dismantle bombs==- Making cars==-Packing boxes==-Helping the army==-Used in labs==-Underground mining=

Are robots used do human jobs?

Robots have been used to replace humans in situations where a job is either too dangerous for a human or too costly. For example, robots have been used to explore Mars because it is too dangerous and costly to send humans to Mars at this time. They have also been used in some factories to cut down on costs and injuries associated with human workers.

What will happen when computers and robots in the workplace cause catastrophic unemployment?

I highly doubt that any government or nation in the world will allow this transformation to occur in workplaces. If it DOES happen, and governments were to accept the fact that robots would be a great long term investment and replacing humans will cause massive reductions in cost, then humans will be transfered to jobs which arrise with the bringing of robots such as the maintenance of the robots and more hands-on jobs. There will never be a catastrophic unemployment rise since no country in the world will be stupid enough to accept robots to do many of the jobs humans do now, and jobs will always be available, no matter what.

Do robots do jobs that human used to do?


Where are exploratory robots used?

Exploratory robots are used in places where humans can't or shouldn't go.

Why where robots created?

To do jobs humans cant. They're smarter and stronger... Which is kinda bad