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climate and weathering

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Q: Rocks within the earth move and change over time due to what?
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What four forces move the rocks through the rock cycle?

First a rock gets erupted within or on the Earth surface in the form of igneous rocks. Those are over time eroded away and deposited as sedimentary rocks. By subjecting these rocks to tremendous pressure and heat they metamorphose or change into metamorphic rocks which can eventually wind up in molten state and get re-introduced and erupt back as igneous rocks.

Does the surface of the earth change during an earthquake?

Because the rocks underground clash together and they are big rocks so it is going to shake and move

What is a break in earth's crust which rocks move is called what?

A fault.

What cause the massive amounts of rocks that make up the earth plates to move?

The tectonic plates float on top of magma, and within the magma are convection currents which result from heat generated by radioactive decay of various isotopes found within the interior of the Earth.

Heat rising from within earth causes earth's what to move?

Heat rising from within the Earth causes the tectonic plates to move. This movement can result in earthquakes, volcanic activity, and the formation of mountains.

Do the rocks that make up the Earth's crust move through a cycle?


What types of rocks move through the rock cycle?

First a rock gets erupted within or on the Earth surface in the form of igneous rocks. Those are over time eroded away and deposited as sedimentary rocks. By subjecting these rocks to tremendous pressure and heat they metamorphose or change into metamorphic rocks which can eventually wind up in molten state and get re-introduced and erupt back as igneous rocks.

What is the scientific meaning of a fault?

A break or crack in earth's lithosphere along which the rocks move.

What is a large mass of frozen water that can move rocks and boulders and move slowly and made great changes on earth?

A glacier

You are a large mass of frozen water you can move rocks and boulders you move very slowly but you cause great chamges on earth what are you?

a glacier

What is one reason that matter is able to move around within the Earth?

The interior of the earth is molten.

What is it called when rocks and soil in the Earth move suddenly?

The term is 'earthquake'.